Website Usability Tips

1. Use consistent and intuitive navigation. Users are impatient. They hate having to learn new site navigation. Make your navigation obvious and consistent throughout your site. Don't try and come up with some new and unusual flashy menu. People aren't usually interested in watching animated menus and links.

2. Consistent navigation and search feature present on each page are among the most important usability tools we can offer to a website visitor.

Combining navigation and search results can be even more powerful - this provides context and eliminates guesswork.

If you have a site search you might want to consider putting together search results and navigation (i.e. bread crumbs or cookie crumbs, depending on your culinary preference). If impossible to add the crumbs navigation to each link in the search results, consider adding the URL. Provided your site's information architecture is decent, seeing what directory the page belongs to, might provide an additional clue as to whether the result is indeed relevant.

3. Don't disable the "Back" button or keep forcing the user back to a certain page. Many people will simply close the browser

4. Cookie crumbs are good to help visitors know what page/section of your site they are on. For example a trail like this:

You are currently browsing this page: Home > Our Services > budget seo > Pricing

5. Home page link: Always have a consistent link to the home page of your site in the same location on every page. Make the logo link to the homepage.

6. Back up fancy navigation such as java applet, flash DHTML & javascript with appropriate text links & sitemap. Always provide standard html links as a backup for users with high security settings or primitive browsers.

7. Build a Site Map

People do use them and more importantly search engines do too which helps with seo

8. Remember that the homepage is not the only entry page to the site and make it clear to users which page they're landed on at all times.

9. Redundancy in Navigation. Navigation is fundamental to website development so redundancy assures users will find what they are looking for. Provide side menu and top menu for example.

Following these tips will not only improve your site's usability but will also improve cheap seo